Tuesday, December 26, 2006

This is the transition week for high school hoops. A week where many teams spend their time at tournaments playing competition they see but once a year. It also comes just a week before the true battles start, the divisional competition.
Wouldn't you like to be one of the Montville Indians girls basketball team right now?
They worked hard to raise the money and now they get to enjoy the fruit of their labor as they travel to Florida later on this week to participate in a basketball tournament at Disney World.
The way coach Derek Wainwright explained it to me was that 72 teams will be in Florida for the holiday break with Disney World doing it's best to keep the schools aligned along the lines of school size and the previous year's record (although Melbourne, Florida seems a little bigger than Montville and the Indians play their first game against Melbourne).
The nice thing for the Indians, play a little basketball, enjoy the sun and the Disney parks as the trip is an all-expense paid deal including meals.
This wasn't given to them, though, the girls did have to work raising the majority of the money and their parents had to kick in some as well.
As for the rest, most stay in the state although Stonington does cross into Rhode Island to play in the Westerly tournament. The only real local tournament takes place in Putnam where the Clippers play host to Parish Hill, Ellington and Douglas,MA. later on this week.

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