Monday, February 25, 2008

Here's a little insider info from the press covering the State Open wrestling championship.
We were just about all in agreement that a Sunday final round was the best scheduling that could occur.
It's simple, really.
On Sunday, I wrote about how busy Saturday was. Well, that was not only for the Norwich Bulletin but also just about every other newspaper in the state with basketball tournaments and the like. So, it was much easier for all of us when the snow on Friday pushed back the championship round to Sunday.
The athletes didn't seem to mind, either.
Of course, it won't stay this way because the CIAC has a strict policy regarding regular schedules on Sunday- it isn't allowed.
But one thing that could happen as Sunday proved, could we move up the time on the finals (when they occur on Saturday as well) to 4 p.m. like yesterday?
Just some thoughts from press row at the State Open wrestling championship.

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