Thursday, May 17, 2007

I was all eager to put down some thoughts about how we over react to things that we can't control at times, such as the weather.
That is, of course, until I looked at this morning's Norwich Bulletin and saw the headlines about the possible tornado that set down in Pomfret.
It was a bright, sunny, albeit a little windy Wednesday afternoon for the most part and here were Athletic Directors making phone calls and cancelling games because of the possible stormy weather.
Remember, a tornado watch, like the one we had yesterday, only means that conditions are favorable for such an event to occur. It doesn't even mean one has occurred.
Some school administrations, however, decided to be a little cautious and postpone most after school activities including interscholastic athletics.
Where I was in Ledyard, that seemed a little premature at the time as the sun was out until about the fourth or fifth inning when grey clouds began to gather to the north and west of the field.
By the time the game ended, those clouds looked ominous but they produced only rain and some continued gusty winds, no lightning, no hail, no tornadoes.
The same could not be said for the northeastern part of the state where a heavy thunderstorm rolled through with a possible tornado in tow. It now seems like it was a very good idea to have postponed the Montville-Woodstock baseball game as it was scheduled for the Bentley Athletic Complex and Bentley can be a large problem when it comes to shelter from a fast moving storm.
Tough call but it seems like they got it right this time.

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